An American version of the English Pale Ale, brewed using American ingredients. Typically lighter in color, cleaner in fermentation by-products, and having less caramel flavors than English versions.
Style: Belgian Style American Pale Ale
ABV: 6%
IBU: 36
Yeast: Wyeast Belgian Witbier 3944
Time to Ferment: 6 Days
Time to Condition: 10 Days
CO2: 2.6 volumes
Malts: Pale, Vienna, Carafoam, Crystal 60
Hops: Zythos – Zythos was used for all additions in this beer from bittering to flavor to aroma to dry hopping. This is also known as a “single hopped beer.” The idea is to sense the flavor of the hop all around the beer from aroma to aftertaste and everything in between.
Appearance: slightly hazy deep gold color, white head
Aroma: citrus, light peach notes, malt
Mouthfeel: medium body, medium – high carbonation
Flavor: citrusy, light maltiness, some mineral notes. Light balanced bitterness leading to a crisp finish. Slightly phenolic.